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Relief for Headaches

Ruth Sheets

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I have gotten a only 2 migraines in my life. If you don't know: they are majorly debilitating, to say the least. This was at least 20 years ago. I decided then to do something about it. I was lucky: it did not take a brain surgeon to figure out that the combination of too much chocolate and tea was my migraine trigger. Of course, other people may have more elusive triggers, and if this is you, have faith that you can avoid such a painful headache completely.

On rare occasions when I get a regular (non migraine) headache... I think I had one over a year ago.. I will get rid of it by drinking water 2 glasses of water in 15 minutes. I have also just gone for a walk when I had a headache, telling my family I'd be back "when I feel better" which usually takes about 45 - 60 minutes. I'm a walker so this is not a big deal to walk 3 or so miles, and I recommend it because it, too, will work for tension headaches.

Know this: migraines are not normal. Just because everyone you know get them does not make it normal. Migraines and other conditions are caused because something is out of balance. Try some of these natural remedies and preventions in the link below.


Balance becomes you!